
  • World AIDS Day 2007 & joinRED campaign
    떠들어볼만한 얘기 2007. 12. 2. 18:13

    World AIDS Day is December 1. According to the World Health Organization, there are 33.2 million people in the world today living with HIV/AIDS. This video dramatizes the immense scope of that number with a series of one-second scenes representing each individual. Help us win the fight against HIV/AIDS. www.amfAR.org

    지난 12월 1일, 매년 12월 1일은 세계보건기구가 정한 "세계에이즈의 날"이라 합니다.
    위의 video는 그에 맞춘 공익 광고 입니다.

     HIV/AIDS에 대항을 알리는 video로써 전세계 HIV/AIDS 보균자들에게 힘을 주는, 국제적인 도움을 바라는 내용을 전하고 있습니다.

    자세한 내용은 http://www.amfar.org 에서 확인해보세요.

    위와 관련된  "RED campaign"은 Apple의 http://www.apple.com/ipod/red/ 에서도 확인 할 수 있습니다.


    (RED) was created by Bono and Bobby Shriver, Chairman of DATA to raise awareness and money for The Global Fund by teaming up with the world's most iconic brands to produce (PRODUCT)RED branded products. A percentage of each (PRODUCT)RED product sold is given to The Global Fund. The money helps women and children affected by HIV/AIDS in Africa.

    What's the meaning of the parentheses or brackets? Well, we call them "the embrace." Each company that becomes (RED) places its logo in this embrace and is then elevated to the power of red. Thus the name -- (PRODUCT)RED.

    You, the consumer, can take your purchase to the power of (RED) simply by upgrading your choice. Thus the proposition: (YOU)RED. Be embraced, take your own fine self to the power of (RED). What better way to become a good-looking samaritan?!

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